MoMA Chengdu / Studio Ramoprimo

Organized by the Chengdu Ministry of Culture and the Chengdu Culture and Tourism Development Group, the Competition for the Chinese MoMA was part of an initiative for creating a double ring of public facilities around the Tianfu Square in Chengdu. The first ring is supposed to consist of cultural facilities. The second and larger one is planned for highrises. via evolo Continue reading

Jinan High-Tech Science and Technology Culture Center and Square / RTA-Office

Courtesy of 

The High-tech science and technology cultural center, designed by RTA-Office, is strategically located Jinan, a city supported with a good transportation hub, making it a site with a lot of potential advantages and opportunities for development. They believe that these buildings need to reflect the cultural flavor of Jinan in eastern and local specialties; this is a place of modern technology and the software language used is able to describe the soul of the location. So they made a unique exclusive design, showing all its modern character. The result is a strong contrast between the organic approach in the genesis of the soften edges of the new buildings and hardness of the surrounding buildings. via Archdaily Continue reading

Car Park Proposal for Hong Kong / Interface Studio Architects

An addition to a series of projects involving the architecturization of parking facilities, the Car Park proposal designed by Interface Studio Architects tries to integrate the automobile culture into the vertical environment of Hong Kong. Through a playful use of ramps, repetition and uniformity, elements of the car park typology are exaggerated. In the attempt to create a distinctive urban structure that competes with the neighborhood of Hong Kong’s high-rises, the design evolves into a multi-functional building, introducing various programs: shopping, cafes, restaurants and green spaces. via evolo Continue reading

National Art Museum of China / UNStudio

© UNStudio.

For their latest museum design in Beijing, Ben van Berkel and UNStudio have designed a formal expression which takes ques from Chinese culture to create an architecture that offers dynamically varied spaces for the NAMOC collections.  Based on uniting dualities – past and future, day and night, inside and outside, calm and dynamic, large and small, individual and collective – the two volumes reference ancient Chinese ‘stone drums’ and function in a contemporary way as a media facade with illuminated art projections. via Archdaily Continue reading

Two Towers Proposal in Shenzhen / Saraiva + Associados

“The Two Towers” proposal by Saraiva + Associados in partnership with IDU (International Design Union) and Tianhua aims to resolve in an equal form all the variables in this intervention, creating a stronglandmark building that is generous and practical in is form and that can fully embodies modernity, strength, development and eco-friendly. The main idea was to give the two towers a strong sense of responsibility and a modern language – both financial institutions well differentiated yet sharing a common global image. via eVolo Continue reading

CLC & MSFL Towers / REX

Courtesy of REX

REX shared with us their proposal for two of ’s major financial institutions, CLC and MSFL, which chose to consolidate their new headquarters on a single site within ’s CDB. Although the planning regulations permit tall buildings on the site, the maximum allowable building area and the proposed combination of offices and retail seemingly dictate a perfunctory tower-and-plinth scheme. Instead, CLC’s and MSFL’s offices are organized into two highly efficient blocks with: an ideal 9 meter distance between core and façade; an entirely flexible, column-free plan; the largest floor area allowed by code and urban design requirements; and an efficiency ratio of 80%. via Archdaily Continue reading

Two Financial Towers / MA2

Courtesy of 

The design of the Two Towers, by MA2 in collaboration with CZ Visual Architecture, is a series of manipulated manifolds that construct a dual vertical lattice with angled surfaces. The towers radiate vertically deriving from a multi-sided body, diamond shaped, molded, intended for diversity, complexity, and robustness in form. Elongated diamond bodies functions as a poly-operational structure that addresses flows of energy, circulation, dynamic composites, both aesthetically and material make up. via Archdaily

Courtesy of MA2

It is important to have an array of projecting elements within the design aesthetic and logic to generate sensuous formal manipulations that give a dynamic presence to the surrounding environment. In order to meet the desired effect of constructing a set of towers that are an image of elegance, design robustness, and economic valiancy, the two towers are in a state of motion and vibrant play of parts – volumes which generate synergized architecture. Economic towers are elements which give identity to financial sectors and districts, so in order retain confidence, the towers are composed so they are not competing agents but are complementary tectonics and a have dynamic interplay of bodies.

Courtesy of MA2

The point in which the towers meet the ground is constructed by a layered composite of tectonics that function as a base and matrix in which the towers project upward. Aerodynamic plates shift and curve to give the podium and lobby entrance a sensation of fluid interplay of architectural surfaces. The form of the podium is also a dueled composite of diamond facets, but along a horizontal flow of shifting.

Courtesy of MA2

Ground level interaction is an important part of the design proposal because it serves as a face in which the public flow around the building and circulate inside. These are the points of departure which govern the varied sensibilities, logic, and tectonic intensities that give the towers vigor as an image of economic resiliency.

International Skyscraper Competition Winning Proposal / ADEPT and Urbanus

Courtesy of  and 

The winning design of a large international architectural competition, ‘The Two Towers’, was recently announced in Shenzhen, China. The team selected to design this new Shenzhen landmark – comprising 100.000 square meters in total – is a constellation of ADEPT (DK) andUrbanus (CHN) with VSA (HK), Max Fordham LLP (GB) and Beijing CCI Architectural Design Co, LTD (CHN). The jury meeting was hosted at the Shenzhen Municipal Planning Building with Pritzker Prize winner Thom Mayne as chairman of the jury. via Archdaily Continue reading