La Fabrique Performing Arts Complex Based on Shipbuilding Tradition / Tétrarc Architectes

Recently completed, ‘La Fabrique’ is a performing arts complex in Nantes, France.  It was built on a site previously occupied by warehouses, in a shipyard area that has gradually been transformed into articulated public spaces. Designed by Tétrarc Architectes, the building attempts to rediscover the history of the site-its connection to the shipbuilding tradition and the art movements that once thrived there. via evolo Continue reading

Ecoturism Center In France / Inca Architectes

Courtesy of Inca Architectes

Architects: Inca Architectes 
Design Team: Cap Paysage, Arpente, Alpes Structures et Rostain Coste, M. Forgue
Client: Seine et Marne tourisme
Budget: 1,000,000 € H.T
Surface Area: 5400 sqm converted; 250 sqm built
Completion: 2011
Paragraphs: Courtesy of Inca Architectes

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DomoLab / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes

Architect: ENCORE HEUREUX architectes 
Location: , France
Design Team: Gabriel Marly, Pauline Lavagned’Ortigue, Jean-Marie Thouvenin, Maurice Manceau, Jean-Paul StraetmansJulien Choppin and Nicola Delon
Project Leader:Agathe Chiron
Completion: 2011
Works budget: 3,000,000 €
Client: SAINT GOBAIN Recherche
Client assistant: AURIS
Landscape Architect: Florian Delon
Photographs: Courtesy of ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes

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Hippodrome de Longchamp Proposal / Marc Anton Dahmen & Studio DMTW

Courtesy of  & Studio DMTW

Marc Anton Dahmen & Studio DMTW, in collaboration with Tilke & Partners, shared with us their third prize winning design for the Longchamp racetrack in Paris, France. via Archdaily Continue reading

Seguin Island / Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Taking a look back at some recent works and proposals by Jean Nouvel:

Jean Nouvel was chosen as the lead urban architect and coordinator for the Seguin Island project in July of 2009. Here we are sharing with you the Ateliers Jean Nouvel team master plan for Seguin Island in , France.

A diverse group of programs will make up the spaces, total surface area of 300,000 sqm, including cultural, retail, social facilites, parks, gardens, terraces serving as a destination for both residents and tourists. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2010 and final completion is expected for the end of 2023.

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Ronchamp Chapel / Renzo Piano

© Michel Denancé

Last week, Renzo Piano attended the opening of his newest addition to the site of Le Corbusier’s Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp, France. Commissioned by the Association Oeuvre Notre Dame du Haut, Piano was asked to design a small visitors’ center and convent for the Poor Clare nuns who live on the grounds. When first announced in 2008, the project was in the midst of controversy as an online debate of petitions against the project – signed by Moneo, Meier and Pelli – was sent to France’s minister of culture, only to be countered with a petition in support of the project, including names such as Fuksas and Ando. Even with the conflict, Piano remained cool and collected…and a perfect fit for the job. In addition to his personal love of Le Corb’s project, Piano’s works have a certain air of sensitivty about them, a characteristic that would produce a work not to overshadow nor compete with, yet respectfully support, Corbusier’s masterpiece. “I love Le Corbusier’s building. For me, it’s a masterpiece. He made one of the most beautiful places of meditation in the world,” Piano told Arch Record. via Archdaily

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