Lotus Park / Studio 505

Courtesy of 

Australian architects and designers Studio 505 are currently completing a series of iconic projects in a new cultural precinct in Victoria’s ‘sister state’ Jiangsu Province in China.

Located in  in the Changzhou precinct, the 3.5 hectare Lotus Park has been designed to be occupied throughout the year with festivals and functions throughout the day and night. The design establishes a clear and active programme of functions and includes the W Gallery, a new museum of contemporary art and many new entertainment and restaurant venues. The themes of environmental sustainability, education, recreation and community focused arts programmes are key to the establishment and success of the park programme. via Archdaily


Melkwegbridge by NEXT Architects and Rietveld Landscape

Melkwegbridge by NEXT Architects and Rietveld Landscape

There seems to be a lust for criss-crossing bridges at the moment.  This project was designed by award-winning Roman firm NEXT Architects (wonderful work, I’ve met a few of their architects personally and they’re definitely worth checking out) andRietveld Landscape for Amsterdam.

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Training Centre by Chartier-Corbasson

(via dezeen)

Training center by chartier-corbasson

French architects Chartier-Carbasson have designed a football training centre in Amiens, France, with a sloping turf roof that merges with the adjacent field.

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Zaha Hadid named UN ‘Artist for Peace’

(via designboom)

zaha hadid named UN artist for peace

zaha hadid
portrait © designboom

iraqi-born british architect zaha hadid has been named to the roster of artists who use their
influence and prestige to promote the ideals of the united nations educational, scientific
and cultural organization (UNESCO).
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Pittsburgh River Park by Behnisch Architekten

(via greenmnp)


[Image: RiverPark Night Rendering]

Here is a little more information on the Pittsburgh RiverPark by Behnisch Architekten . Here is a post on work they exhibited at the GSD back in September of the year past. Info on the RiverPark:

Is: A competition-winning design that incorporates green urban design initiative in the form of various height and size mixed-use buildings.

Now: Pittsburgh is a city with a lack of housing in their core downtown area [cities such as NYC, Toronto, & Boston have a good mix of housing throughout their concrete jungles].

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